Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sorry it's been so long!

I am very ashamed of myself. It's been way too long since I've published a post. In my defense, not a whole lot has been happening. I have been taking strides in making as much from scratch as possible. So far I have discovered a deep dish pizza crust that my family is crazy about, and some really wonderful homemade ice cream recipes (I'll try and post those recipes later this week). I have a feeling my ice cream maker is going to be working in overdrive this summer! We still have a long way to go (I just can't seem to cut out chips completely!), but we're getting there! One exciting thing that has happened is that we had our first CSA pickup this past week and I wanted to talk about it before it was time to pick up our second week's helping.

I am SO impressed with the farm we have chosen. The kids and I went out there last Wednesday and had a great time picking out our veggies and herbs. Since this is the beginning of the growing season, we didn't get tons of produce, but that will change as the season progresses. We picked up bok choy, green leaf lettuce, green garlic, and assorted fresh herbs. They have all tasted great! For those of you who have never heard of green garlic (this was a first for me!), it is very similar to a green onion. It's the garlic plant in it's baby stage. It definitely has a garlic taste to it, but it's much sweeter and lighter than a mature garlic bulb. I've used it in just about everything this week. To those of you who don't have the space (like me), or the desire to grow your own produce - I highly recommend finding a farm that has a CSA program. The kids love going out there and we ate very healthy all week long. Tomorrow I go and pick up our week 2 rations. I also get to pick up our first meat order. My husband is very excited about the meat shares I'll be bringing home tomorrow night. The Luckenbill's are eating well!

Other than our wonderful food starting, I have also been sewing like crazy. I have made my daughter a couple of adorable items. I'm going to get pictures and post them for all to see. I did a great skirt for her with side ruffles that it is almost too cute. I was even able to use fabric scrapes to piece it together. So much fun! I've also been getting busy making items for my town's fall fest in September. My sister and I are planning on setting up a booth there. I have a long way to go to build up any inventory, but I'm going to have fun sewing every last item. I think I've got two items made and ready to go . . .

I hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weather we've been having after ALL the rain. Remember to thank God for such beauty. We were actually able to get out of the house today and play outside, so I'm in a really thankful mood! I hope everyone is doing well and I promise some pictures at my next post!