Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's been a while!

Looking at my first entry, I see it's been well over a week since I have last blogged and figured it was time for another update. A few things have happened since the beginning of January. First, I have decided to rent a booth this fall during our town's local fall festival and sell some of my homemade goods. I believe I have talked my sister into going into "business" with me for that venture. I have spent quite a bit of time creating a list of inventory that I will need to get busy making! September will be here before I know it, I'm sure.

The second item of notice is that after being on a waiting list with a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm, my name is finally up and I have been offered the opportunity to purchase a plot for the upcoming growing season. This will allow me a portion of the farm's produce over the growing season (24 weeks), in addition to requiring me to work at the farm for a couple of "shifts." I thought this would be a great way to get fresh and locally grown fruits and veggies, as well as a great way to learn the ropes about growing my own vegetation at some point in the future. We'll see how it goes. I have much to learn!

Finally, in my quest for a healthier life, I am in the process of creating a website to showcase and sell my homemade creations. The name of my new company is X2Creations and I hope to have at least a cover page up in another week. I'll keep you posted on the domain name! It's very exciting and will give me a chance to beef up my family financially, as well as create some teaching moments for my kids. After all, if they see Mommy working toward a goal and either achieving it, or handling setbacks, valuable lessons should be learned. We'll see how that goes!

Thanks again for reading and I'll keep everyone updated with the upcoming website!

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