Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Amazing Mentor

Today I just wanted to quickly write a little bit about mental health. Part of my journey to all-around good health involves being healthy mentally, and being a mother of 3 year-old twins, this isn't at all easy! However, I have found a great cure to all that ails mentally. Find a hobby. I think that it really is that simple.

When I was pregnant I was looking everywhere for baby bedding that I really liked and that was gender neutral. At the time, it was nearly impossible. I didn't want a themed room at all, but I was also having a hard time finding stuff that wasn't primarily pink or blue. Therefore, I decided to make my own. Please keep in mind that at this time I didn't know a thing about sewing and didn't even own a sewing machine. So, I asked for and received my sewing machine that year as a birthday gift and had my mom teach me a few basic things about sewing. It was a slow process, but after a week of doing nothing but sewing, my mother and I completed my nursery. It was then that I realized I had been bitten by the sewing bug. Since then, I just can't get enough!

It didn't take long for me to outgrow my mother's sewing knowledge. At that point I turned to books (I can learn really easily by looking and reading books). I was able to pick up quite a few things from each book I picked up, but I felt like I was missing something in each technique. It was at this time, while at a P.E.O. meeting, that I was talking about my sewing and another woman piped up that she knew all sorts of stuff. Apparently her mother had owned a quilt shop in Louisiana while she was growing up and she knew how to do all sorts of things. She was also quite excited to teach me. I was thrilled! Since that meeting, we have gotten together twice. She is currently teaching me how to smock. For those that aren't savvy, smocking is the tiny pleating done on baby and little kid outfits, usually across the chest that will have a design or picture on it. It's used a lot in christening gowns as well. Anyway, I am almost finished with my daughter's Easter dress ( hopefully I can post some pictures on here later this week) and I'm so excited to learn more. My mentor is going to teach me heirloom stitching, more on quilting, and even tatting (that's the creation of lace). I can't describe what this has done to my stress levels. Mentally, I believe I am healthier now than I have been in a long time!

I want to challenge each of you to try something you've always wanted to try, or learn something you've always been curious about learning. It is such a great way relieve stress and it can't hurt to know a few more useful skills, right?! Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I receive SO MANY compliments on the beautiful quilt you made for Wakefield. It's the perfect size, the perfect match of colors and patterns - we just love it!!
